Commonwealth Housing Group (Kenya) has just been declared runner-up in all three rounds of the competition for best fundraising by a small charity in Kenya, both in cash and in kind. As a result they have won for CHG funds:
Round 1 ~ 20,000 kenya shillings Round 2 ~ 180,000 ksh Round 3 ~ 450,000 ksh
Grand Total ~ 650,000 ksh (£5,175)
and all this is thanks to the tremendous work being done by the CHG team in Nairobi.
This was a prize for fundraising – the fundraising itself drew in the equivalent of £3170. Thus, public donations and prize money add up to the sterling equivalent of £8,345 to go towards buying building blocks for the houses.
Robert is one the people who generously help CHG with their time and skills. In Robert's case this is as voluntary Project Assistant, most recently providing his technical expertise and administrative experience to the crowdfunding efforts whose success led to the Yetu awards.
Cheques totalling 200,000 ksh won by CHG in the two earlier rounds had been presented earlier by a Yetu representative
